Autor Tema: After Life (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1998)  (Leído 8456 veces)

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Re: After Life [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999]
« Respuesta #15 en: 30 Enero, 2008, 01:01:59 »
Pues sí. Tiene subs pegados. :(

Listo no se preocupen, cuando vuelva a capital realizo el rip, esperenme ehh que tal vez pasen unos dias. Saludos chicos!  :punk:


Desconectado Surabaya

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Re: After Life [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999]
« Respuesta #16 en: 30 Enero, 2008, 15:20:58 »
Sí esperaremos, pero no te olvides del ripeo como con "Adrenaline Drive". :ejem:
Traducciones finalizadas: 566

Desconectado Conri

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Re: After Life [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999]
« Respuesta #17 en: 30 Enero, 2008, 16:59:27 »
Sí esperaremos, pero no te olvides del ripeo como con "Adrenaline Drive". :ejem:

Ups, factura factura jajajaja... na lo que pasa que me operan el viernes Sura entonces cuando regrese de la operacion de podre hacer el rip, y voy a buscar el dvd de Adrenaline Drive!! ;) no te preocupes...


Desconectado Surabaya

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Re: After Life [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999]
« Respuesta #18 en: 30 Enero, 2008, 17:20:30 »
Pues suerte con la operación, que espero que sea de pocas complicaciones, porque lo dices como si te operaran todos los días. 0_o
Por cierto a mí también me tienen que operar en poco, pero es poca cosa y con anestesia local sólo, así que espero que nos salga bien a los dos. OK
Traducciones finalizadas: 566

Desconectado Conri

  • Kyoshi
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Re: After Life [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999]
« Respuesta #19 en: 30 Enero, 2008, 17:47:51 »
jajajaja no, no me operan todos los dias es por una hernia! pero bue pasara! Y mucha suerte para tu operacion tambien, un 2008 a pleno bisturi ;) jajajaja... Saludos!!


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Re: After Life [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999]
« Respuesta #20 en: 14 Mayo, 2008, 08:31:39 »
Pues sí. Tiene subs pegados. :(

Listo no se preocupen, cuando vuelva a capital realizo el rip, esperenme ehh que tal vez pasen unos dias. Saludos chicos!  :punk:


Ni noticias de ese ripeo limpio???

un saludo

Desconectado acbarra

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Re: After Life [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999]
« Respuesta #21 en: 30 Junio, 2008, 12:34:05 »
Que hay de ese ripeo, porque la versión que hay en div3 y con subs pegados a estas alturas es prehistórica jajaja.

Desconectado kimkiduk

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Re: After Life [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999]
« Respuesta #22 en: 16 Agosto, 2008, 15:16:28 »
Nuevo ripeo (limpio) de ursuletz en Cine-Clasico


Every Monday morning, a team of advisors welcome in a facility a group of people that has just died with the mission of helping each one of them to select their best memory that will last for the eternity in the first three days. On Thursday, filmmakers begin to recreate the selected memory, and in the end of the week they screen it in a movie theater and he or she moves to Heaven.

Review by Roger Ebert
The people materialize from out of clear white light, as a belltolls. Where are they? An ordinary building is surrounded by greenery andan indistinct space. They are greeted by staff members who explain,courteously, that they have died, and are now at a way-station before thenext stage of their experience.

They will be here a week. Their assignment is to choose one memory,one only, from their lifetimes: One memory they want to save for eternity.

Then a film will be made to reenact that memory, and they will move along,taking only that memory with them, forgetting everything else. They willspend eternity within their happiest memory.

That is the premise of Hirokazu Kore-eda's "After Life," a filmthat reaches out gently to the audience and challenges us: What is thesingle moment in our own lives we treasure the most? One of the newarrivals says that he has only bad memories. The staff members urge him tothink more deeply. Surely spending eternity within a bad memory wouldbe--well, literally, hell. And spending forever within our best memorywould be, I suppose, as close as we should dare to come to heaven.

The film is completely matter-of-fact. No special effects, nocelestial choirs, no angelic flim-flam. The staff is hard-working; theyhave a lot of memories to process in a week, and a lot of production workto do on the individual films. There are pragmatic details to be workedout: Scripts have to be written, sets constructed, special effectsimprovised. This isn't all metaphysical work; a member of an earlier group,we learn, choose Disney World, singling out the Splash Mountain ride.

Kore-eda, with this film and the 1997 masterpiece "Maborosi," hasearned the right to be considered with Kurosawa, Bergman and other greathumanists of the cinema. His films embrace the mystery of life, andencourage us to think about why we are here, and what makes us truly happy.

At a time when so many movies feed on irony and cynicism, here is a man whohopes we will feel better and wiser when we leave his film.

The method of the film contributes to the impact. Some of thesepeople, and some of their memories, are real (we are not told which).

Kore-eda filmed hundreds of interviews with ordinary people in Japan. Thefaces on the screen are so alive, the characters seem to be recallingevents they really lived through, in world of simplicity and wonder.

Although there are a lot of characters in the movie, we have no troubletelling them apart because each is unique and irreplaceable.

The staff members offer a mystery of their own. Who are they, andwhy were they chosen to work here at the way-station, instead of moving onto the next stage like everybody else? The solution to that question iscontained in revelations I will not discuss, because they emerge sonaturally from the film.

One of the most emotional moments in "After Life" is when a youngstaff member discovers a connection between himself and an elderly newarrival. The new arrival is able to tell him something that changes hisentire perception of his life. This revelation, of a young love long ago,has the kind of deep bittersweet resonance as the ending of "The Dead," theJames Joyce short story (and John Huston film) about a man who feels asudden burst of identification with his wife's first lover, a young man nowlong dead.

"After Life" considers the kind of delicate material that could bedestroyed by schmaltz. It's the kind of film that Hollywood likes to remakewith vulgar, paint-by-the-numbers sentimentality. It is like a transcendentversion of "Ghost," evoking the same emotions, but deserving them. Knowingthat his premise is supernatural and fantastical, Kore-eda makes everythingelse in the film quietly pragmatic. The staff labors against deadlines. Thearrivals set to work on their memories. There will be a screening of thefilms on Saturday--and then Saturday, and everything else, will cease toexist. Except for the memories.

Which memory would I choose? I sit looking out the window, asimages play through my mind. There are so many moments to choose from. Justthinking about them makes me feel fortunate. I remember a line from IngmarBergman's film "Cries and Whisper." After the older sister dies painfullyof cancer, her diary is discovered. In it she remembers a day during herillness when she was feeling better. Her two sisters and her nurse join herin the garden, in the sunlight, and for a moment pain is forgotten, andthey are simply happy to be together. This woman who we have seen die aterrible death has written: "I feel a great gratitude to my life, whichgives me so much."


Rip Specs:
File Name .............: After Life.avi
File Size (in bytes) ..: 1,561,321,472 bytes
Runtime (# of frames) .: 01:58:42 ( frames)

Video Codec ...........: XviD
Frame Size ............: 672x400  [=1.680]
FPS ...................: 23.976
Video Bitrate .........: 1523 kb/s
Bits per Pixel ........: 0.236 bpp
B-VOP, N-VOP, QPel, GMC ......: [B-VOP]...[]...[]...[]

Audio Codec ...........: 0x2000(AC3, Dolby Laboratories, Inc) AC3
Sample Rate ...........: 48000 Hz
Audio bitrate .........: 224 kb/s [2 channel(s)] CBR audio
Interleave ............: 42 ms
No. of audio streams ..: 1

English subs included.


It took me a month to upload this since I made the rip, cos I managed to delete the DVD before extracting the subs and had to redownload it again, but in the end it was worth it :) Enjoy.

Desconectado acbarra

  • Godan
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Re: After Life [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999]
« Respuesta #23 en: 16 Agosto, 2008, 16:00:02 »
Por fin, muchas gracias :). Los subs son en español?

Desconectado kimkiduk

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Re: After Life [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999]
« Respuesta #24 en: 16 Agosto, 2008, 16:09:47 »
Por fin, muchas gracias :). Los subs son en español?

No, se me olvidó avisar que son en inglés. Habría que adaptarle los ya existentes  :leer:

Desconectado pazguaton

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Re: After Life (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999)
« Respuesta #25 en: 14 Septiembre, 2008, 12:10:43 »
Subida adaptación de los subtítulos para el ripeo Ursuletz a cargo de Osakafan.
Graciaaaaas :punk:

Desconectado acbarra

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Re: After Life (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999)
« Respuesta #26 en: 14 Septiembre, 2008, 12:18:01 »
Gracias OK.

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Re: After Life (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999)
« Respuesta #27 en: 28 Septiembre, 2008, 20:06:44 »
He bajado la peli siguiendo los datos de la ficha (en dos cds que, como a lo largo de todo el historial, se confirma que estaban con subtítulos ingleses pegados), pensando que ya se había integrado  en la "oferta" inicial la nueva versión sin subtítulos ingleses incrustados. Pienso que debería mencionarse el ripeo limpio de Ursuletz  para ahorrar "disgustos".

Pero ahora me encuentro con que bajando el ripeo de Ursuletz -en un único fichero- los subtítulos a cargo de Osakafan sólo me aparecen para la opción en dos cds.
Pregunta de 1º de egb: ¿Cómo combino eso?

Gracias por el curre sistemático y  serio del "hormiguero".


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Re: After Life (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999)
« Respuesta #28 en: 28 Septiembre, 2008, 20:27:18 »
Pregunta de 1º de egb: ¿Cómo combino eso?

Pegando los dos subs y adaptando los tiempos (si hiciera falta que es lo más seguro) para todo esto existe un programa llamado subtitle wokshop.

Desconectado scarecrown

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Re: After Life (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1999)
« Respuesta #29 en: 28 Septiembre, 2008, 20:47:28 »
Alto, alto  :P
Subida adaptación de los subtítulos para el ripeo Ursuletz a cargo de Osakafan.
Graciaaaaas :punk:

Y no es un moco que se pegó pazguaton  :D, los tienes en la ficha de traducción de la película.